Fakta om udbudet
Offentligt udbud
- Voucher Solution
Opgavebeskrivelse | DSB wants to develop a customer loyalty concept that makes it possible for customers who has signed up for DSB Plus to further sign up to a program in which the customer can earn points when he/she buys a DSB ticket. The costumer can use the earned points to buy different products which are DSB tickets and vouchers for third party products. Furthermore, DSB wants to develop a method which allows DSB to compensate customers who have had a bad experience. One option is to compensate the customer with a voucher e.g. for a free cup of coffee from 7-Eleven. |
Annonceret | 29. maj 2019 15:30:00 CEST |
Deadline | 14. juni 2019 12:00:00 CEST |
Udbudstype | Mindre danske udbud |
Opgavetype | Tjenesteydelser |
Udbudsform | Offentligt/åbent udbud |
CPV kode | 30199770, 72000000 |
Myndighedstype | Stat |
Dokumenter & materiale
Link til udbudsmateriale | http://eu.eu-supply.com/app/rfq/publicpurchase_frameset.asp?PID=242172&B=&PS=1&PP= |
Tildelings- og udvælgelseskriterier
Tildelingskriterier | Økonomisk mest fordelagtige bud |
Udvælgelseskriterier |
Navn | Marie Louise Müller |
Telefon | +45 51611115 |
malomue@dsb.dk |
Navn | DSB |
Adresse | Telegade 2 2630 Taastrup DK |
Telefon | +45 11111111 |
Strategisk-Indkoeb@dsb.dk | |
WWW | http://www.dsb.dk |