
Fakta om udbudet



Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU

Mass Spectrometer (Bruker Impact II)

Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU

79053-2025 - Forudgående underretning om direkte tildeling
Danmark – Massespektrometer – Mass Spectrometer (Bruker Impact II)
OJ S 25/2025 05/02/2025
Bekendtgørelse med henblik på frivillig forudgående gennemsigtighed
1. Køber
Officielt navn Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU
E-mail gisnal@dtu.dk
Køberens retlige status Offentligretligt organ
Den ordregivende myndigheds aktivitet Uddannelse
2. Procedure
Titel Mass Spectrometer (Bruker Impact II)
Beskrivelse The DTU Metabolomics Core is looking to acquire a new mass spectrometer (MS) to increase the capacity of DTU's platform. The instrument will be used to increase the throughput of DTU's plat-form in acquiring metabolomic profiles of strains within DTU's Departments fungal strain library (IBT Collection). The system has to be compatible with DTU's existing Agilent 1290 Infinity UHPLC to which the mass spectrometer will be connected, and the data produced has to be directly comparable to our existing datasets for integrated analysis.
Identifikator for proceduren 2bfaa708-782d-42db-871e-0dea43a5f69c
Intern ID 9201
Udbudsprocedure Udbud med forhandling uden forudgående offentliggørelse
Kontraktens hovedformål Varer
Primær klassifikation   ( cpv ):  38433100   Massespektrometer
Landsdel (NUTS) Østsjælland   ( DK021 )
Land Danmark
Generelle oplysninger
Direktiv 2014/24/EU
5. Delkontrakt
Delkontrakt LOT-0000
Titel Mass Spectrometer (Bruker Impact II)
Beskrivelse The DTU Metabolomics Core is looking to acquire a new mass spectrometer (MS) to increase the capacity of DTU's platform. The instrument will be used to increase the throughput of DTU's plat-form in acquiring metabolomic profiles of strains within DTU's Departments fungal strain library (IBT Collection). The system has to be compatible with DTU's existing Agilent 1290 Infinity UHPLC to which the mass spectrometer will be connected, and the data produced has to be directly comparable to our existing datasets for integrated analysis.
Intern ID 9201
Kontraktens hovedformål Varer
Primær klassifikation   ( cpv ):  38433100   Massespektrometer
Landsdel (NUTS) Østsjælland   ( DK021 )
Land Danmark
Generelle oplysninger
Indkøbsprojekt, der ikke finansieres med EU-midler
Udbuddet er omfattet af aftalen om offentlige udbud (GPA) ja
Type Pris
Navn Price
Beskrivelse The price from the supplier is crucial.
Vægtning (procentdel, præcis) 100
Oplysninger om klagefrister Complaint that the Contracting Authority, contrary to the Public Procurement Act, has concluded a contract without prior publication of a contract notice in the European Union Official Journal must be submitted no later than 30 calendar days from the date after a contract award notice has been published by the Contracting Authority in the European Union Official Journal and that contract award notice includes the grounds for the decision to award the contract directly, cf. lov om Klagenævnet for Udbud (Complaints Board for Tenders) § 7, section 3.
Rammeaftale Ingen rammeaftale
Oplysninger om det dynamiske indkøbssystem Intet dynamisk indkøbssystem
Yderligere oplysninger, mægling og gennemgang
Organisation med ansvar for klager Klagenævnet for Udbud
Organisation, der leverer oplysninger om den generelle lovgivningsramme angånde skatter på det sted, hvor kontrakten skal udføres Konkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsen
Organisation, der leverer supplerende oplysninger om udbudsproceduren Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU
Organisation, der sikrer adgang til udbudsdokumenterne offline Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU
Organisation, hvis budget anvendes til at betale for kontrakten Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU
Organisation, der udfører betalingen Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU
Organisation, der underskriver kontrakten Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU
TED eSender Mercell Holding ASA
6. Resultater
Værdien af alle kontrakter tildelt i denne bekendtgørelse 1 840 450,00   DKK
Direkte tildeling
Begrundelse for direkte tildeling Kontrakten kan kun tildeles af en bestemt økonomisk aktør på grund af manglende konkurrence af tekniske årsager
Anden begrundelse It is necessary for the DTU Metabolomics Core to increase DTU's current capacity and to free up DTU's current TIMS TOF Flex for imaging experiments. It is crucial that the purchased mass spec-trometer will acquire data that can be merged with our current dataset and that the methods current-ly used can be easily transferred to the new system, including data processing. These requirements can only be met by a Bruker Impact II QTOF. The Bruker Impact II meets all requirements set out above: 1. Robust instrumentation: The Bruker Impact II is has a very stable mass accuracy and iso-tope pattern, only requiring automated internal calibration of datasets. 2. Resolution => 60 000 FWHM: The Bruker Impact II has a mass resolution of 60 000 FWHM at a m/z of 1222 3. Mass accuracy < 1 ppm: The Bruker Impact II has a mass accuracy of 0.8 ppm 4. Wide m/z range of detection from a m/z of 20 up to 20 000: The Bruker Impact II has a m/z range of 20 to 40 000 5. Compatible with our existing Agilent 1290 UHPLC: The Bruker impact II is compatible with our existing Agilent 1290 UHPLC with the Hystar software 6. A footprint no larger than: 800x1300 mm: The Bruker Impact II has foot print of 640x1180 mm 7. No taller than 2600 mm: The Bruker Impact II has a height of 1980 mm 8. Stable mass accuracy: The Bruker Impact II has built-in features to minimise temperature re-lated mass drift. 9. Data that is comparable to that produced by our Bruker TIMS TOF Flex for data integration and method transfer: The Bruker Impact II is the only MS that is capable of producing this data. 10. Fast acquisition rate that is not resolution dependant: The Bruker Impact II is capable of scan rates up to 60 spectra/s without compromising on mass resolution. A market survey was conducted to explore possible options for a mass spectrometer that would fit DTU's required criteria. Although there are other vendors that can meet some of the requirements, none were found that can meet all, other than Bruker. The requirement for the mass spectrometer to couple with an Agilent 1290 HPLC, allow for method transfer from DTU's current system, and to be able to integrate the data from the new system with DTU's current dataset means that the Bruker Impact II is the only system (other than the much more expensive Bruker TIMS TOF) that can meet these requirements, and Bruker Nordic AB are the only suppliers of Impact II systems. The contract is awarded to Bruker Nordic AB as they are the only providers of the Impact II systems.
Resultat delkontrakt-ID LOT-0000
Oplysninger om vinderne
Officielt navn Bruker Nordic AB
Tilbud – Identifikator 384826
ID for delkontrakt eller gruppe af delkontrakter LOT-0000
Identifikator for kontrakten 9201
Titel Agreement on Bruker Impact II
Datoen for udvælgelsen af det vindende tilbud 21/01/2025
Organisation, der underskriver kontrakten Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU
8. Organisationer
Officielt navn Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU
Registreringsnummer 30060946
Postadresse Anker Engelunds Vej 1    
By Kgs. Lyngby
Postnummer 2800
Landsdel (NUTS) Østsjælland   ( DK021 )
Land Danmark
Enhed Gitte Alrøe
E-mail gisnal@dtu.dk
Telefon +45 33344281
Internetadresse https://www.dtu.dk
Denne organisations roller
Organisation, der leverer supplerende oplysninger om udbudsproceduren
Organisation, der sikrer adgang til udbudsdokumenterne offline
Organisation, der underskriver kontrakten
Organisation, hvis budget anvendes til at betale for kontrakten
Organisation, der udfører betalingen
Officielt navn Klagenævnet for Udbud
Registreringsnummer 37795526
Postadresse Nævnenes hus, Toldboden 2    
By Viborg
Postnummer 8800
Landsdel (NUTS) Østjylland   ( DK042 )
Land Danmark
E-mail klfu@erst.dk
Telefon +45 35291000
Internetadresse http://www.klfu.dk
Denne organisations roller
Organisation med ansvar for klager
Officielt navn Konkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsen
Registreringsnummer 10294819
Postadresse Carl Jacobsens Vej 35    
By Valby
Postnummer 2500
Landsdel (NUTS) Østsjælland   ( DK021 )
Land Danmark
E-mail kfst@kfst.dk
Telefon +45 41715000
Internetadresse http://www.kfst.dk
Denne organisations roller
Organisation, der leverer oplysninger om den generelle lovgivningsramme angånde skatter på det sted, hvor kontrakten skal udføres
Officielt navn Bruker Nordic AB
Organisationen er en fysisk person
Postadresse Torshamngatan 44    
By Kista
Postnummer 16440
Landsdel (NUTS) Stockholms län   ( SE110 )
Land Sverige
Telefon +46 8 655 25 10
Denne organisations roller
Vinder af disse delkontrakter LOT-0000
Officielt navn Mercell Holding ASA
Registreringsnummer 980921565
Postadresse Askekroken 11    
By Oslo
Postnummer 0277
Landsdel (NUTS) Oslo   ( NO081 )
Land Norge
Enhed eSender
Telefon +47 21018800
Fax +47 21018801
Internetadresse http://mercell.com/
Denne organisations roller
TED eSender
11. Oplysninger om bekendtgørelsen
Oplysninger om bekendtgørelsen
Bekendtgørelsens ID a324b080-5f6d-42d2-8b36-bf244cf4bc4c   -   01
Formulartype Forudgående underretning om direkte tildeling
Bekendtgørelsestype Bekendtgørelse med henblik på frivillig forudgående gennemsigtighed
Bekendtgørelsesundertype 25
Afsendelsesdato for bekendtgørelsen 04/02/2025   08:10:26 (UTC)
Dato for afsendelse af bekendtgørelsen (eSender) 04/02/2025   08:10:26 (UTC)
Bekendtgørelsens officielle sprog dansk
Oplysninger om offentliggørelsen
Bekendtgørelsesnummer 79053-2025
EUT-S-nummer 25/2025
Offentliggørelsesdato 05/02/2025

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