
Fakta om udbudet



Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU

Mass Spectrometer (Exploris 480)

Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU

592621-2024 - Resultater
Danmark – Apparater til fysisk eller kemisk analyse – Mass Spectrometer (Exploris 480)
OJ S 192/2024 02/10/2024
Bekendtgørelse om indgåede kontrakter eller koncessionstildeling – standardordningen
1. Køber
Officielt navn Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU
E-mail mardau@dtu.dk
Køberens retlige status : Offentligretligt organ
Den ordregivende myndigheds aktivitet : Uddannelse
2. Procedure
Titel Mass Spectrometer (Exploris 480)
Beskrivelse DTU Bioengineering is looking to acquire a new mass spectrometer and two LC systems to expand their capacity for proteomic samples in the field of spatial proteomics all the way down to single-cell level. The instruments will be used for running large-scale spatial proteomics experiments and will be incorporated into the DTU Proteomics Core. The DTU Proteomics Core at DTU Bioengineering houses five Orbitrap mass spectrometers. With the ambition of expanding in the field of spatial proteomics, the facility has a need to increase their current instrument capacity. Currently the most used instrument is the Orbitrap Exploris 480 instrument, which can’t keep up with the increasing demands. It is therefore vital that the DTU Proteomics Core obtains a duplicate setup, to expand their resources to two Orbitrap Exploris 480s and two matching LC systems. The duplicate setup is specifically needed as expansion into the field of spatial proteomics will result in larger sample sets. This will block the instrument for other smaller projects for weeks to months. The duplicate setup will therefore provide capacity and flexibility of the exact same analysis on either of the two instruments. The DTU Proteomics Core needs the mass spectrometer to fulfil all the following criteria: - Robust instrumentation - Resolving power in the low m/z range required for running multiplexed analysis with TMT-labelling with 18-plex and 35-plex methods - High resolution settings of 120,000 and 240,000 for single-cell analysis - Orthogonal separation for low-input samples and samples with matrix interference
Identifikator for proceduren 0bc715d4-a2e7-443c-8cd5-2e4ac0911189
Tidligere bekendtgørelse : db0b6c34-d8cc-4526-88e7-66a559f5a2f7-01
Intern ID 9262
Udbudsprocedure Udbud med forhandling uden forudgående offentliggørelse
Kontraktens hovedformål Varer
Primær klassifikation   ( cpv ): 38430000   Apparater til fysisk eller kemisk analyse
Supplerende klassifikation   ( cpv ): 73120000   Eksperimentel udvikling
By Kgs. Lyngby
Postnummer 2800
Landsdel (NUTS) Københavns omegn   ( DK012 )
Land Danmark
Generelle oplysninger
Indkaldelse af tilbud er afsluttet
Direktiv 2014/24/EU
5. Delkontrakt
Delkontrakt LOT-0000
Titel : Mass Spectrometer (Exploris 480)
Beskrivelse : DTU Bioengineering is looking to acquire a new mass spectrometer and two LC systems to expand their capacity for proteomic samples in the field of spatial proteomics all the way down to single-cell level. The instruments will be used for running large-scale spatial proteomics experiments and will be incorporated into the DTU Proteomics Core. The DTU Proteomics Core at DTU Bioengineering houses five Orbitrap mass spectrometers. With the ambition of expanding in the field of spatial proteomics, the facility has a need to increase their current instrument capacity. Currently the most used instrument is the Orbitrap Exploris 480 instrument, which can’t keep up with the increasing demands. It is therefore vital that the DTU Proteomics Core obtains a duplicate setup, to expand their resources to two Orbitrap Exploris 480s and two matching LC systems. The duplicate setup is specifically needed as expansion into the field of spatial proteomics will result in larger sample sets. This will block the instrument for other smaller projects for weeks to months. The duplicate setup will therefore provide capacity and flexibility of the exact same analysis on either of the two instruments. The DTU Proteomics Core needs the mass spectrometer to fulfil all the following criteria: - Robust instrumentation - Resolving power in the low m/z range required for running multiplexed analysis with TMT-labelling with 18-plex and 35-plex methods - High resolution settings of 120,000 and 240,000 for single-cell analysis - Orthogonal separation for low-input samples and samples with matrix interference
Intern ID : 9262
Kontraktens hovedformål : Varer
Primær klassifikation   ( cpv ): 38430000   Apparater til fysisk eller kemisk analyse
Supplerende klassifikation   ( cpv ): 73120000   Eksperimentel udvikling
By : Kgs. Lyngby
Postnummer : 2800
Landsdel (NUTS) : Københavns omegn   ( DK012 )
Land : Danmark
Anslået varighed
Startdato 01/10/2024
Varigheds slutdato 30/09/2025
Generelle oplysninger
Indkøbsprojekt, der ikke finansieres med EU-midler
Udbuddet er omfattet af aftalen om offentlige udbud (GPA) ja
Kriterium :
Type : Pris
Navn : Price
Beskrivelse : Price in suppliers quote is crucial.
Vægtning (procentdel, præcis) : 100
Oplysninger om klagefrister : Complaint that the Contracting Authority, contrary to the Public Procurement Act, has concluded a contract without prior publication of a contract notice in the European Union Official Journal must be submitted no later than 30 calendar days from the date after a contract award notice has been published by the Contracting Authority in the European Union Official Journal and that contract award notice includes the grounds for the decision to award the contract directly, cf. lov om Klagenævnet for Udbud (Complaints Board for Tenders) § 7, section 3.
Rammeaftale : Ingen rammeaftale
Oplysninger om det dynamiske indkøbssystem : Intet dynamisk indkøbssystem
Elektronisk auktion nej
Yderligere oplysninger, mægling og gennemgang
Organisation med ansvar for klager Klagenævnet for Udbud
Organisation, der leverer oplysninger om den generelle lovgivningsramme angånde skatter på det sted, hvor kontrakten skal udføres Konkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsen
Organisation, der leverer supplerende oplysninger om udbudsproceduren Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU
Organisation, der sikrer adgang til udbudsdokumenterne offline Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU
Organisation, hvis budget anvendes til at betale for kontrakten Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU
Organisation, der udfører betalingen Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU
Organisation, der underskriver kontrakten Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU
TED eSender Mercell Holding ASA
6. Resultater
Værdien af alle kontrakter tildelt i denne bekendtgørelse 3 832 726,10   DKK
Direkte tildeling :
Begrundelse for direkte tildeling : Kontrakten kan kun tildeles af en bestemt økonomisk aktør på grund af manglende konkurrence af tekniske årsager
Anden begrundelse : The Orbitrap Exploris 480 mass spectrometer is produced by Thermo Fisher Scientific. This mass spectrometer has a high-field Orbitrap analyser with resolving power from 7,500 up o 480,000 FWHM at m/z 200. Coupled to the Vanquish Neo UHPLC system, that can operate at low-flow from 0.001-100 uL/min at max. 1500 bar, this instrumentation will enable high-sensitivity LCMS workflows for low-input samples. The acquisition will duplicate the already existing Orbitrap Exploris 480 sys-tem at DTU Bioengineering, and will therefore serve to increase our throughput and flexibility in the field of proteomics, with a special focus on spatial proteomics. The Orbitrap Exploris 480 fulfil the above mentioned criteria by having a resolving injection filter and bent flatapole to improve robustness. It has a segmented quadrupole mass filter with rod-switching capabilities for increased robustness in front of a C-trap with a hyperbolic surface, which provide excellent peak shape and transmission with a minimum resolution of 0.4 FWHM. The high-field Orbitrap Mass Analyzer with enhanced FT transient processing results in a resolving power from 7,500 up to 480,000 FWHM at m/z 200 and isotopic fidelity, m/z range of 40-6000, and with up to 40 Hz acquisi-tion speed. The high resolution of the Orbitrap Mass Analyzer at low m/z is required for multiplexing workflows with 18-plex and 35-plex TMT-labelling. The instrument has high resolution settings of 120,000 and 240,000 necessary for single-cell proteomics applications. The Orbitrap Exploris 480 is also fitted with a FAIMS Pro Duo interface that provides an orthogonal mode of separation for complex samples or samples with high matrix interference. The FAIMS Pro Duo is crucial for low input samples such as single-cell. The DTU Proteomics Core needs the LC instrumentation to fulfil all the following criteria: - Support flowrates from nano-flow to micro-flow in the same instrument - Robust performance for large sample sets - High retention time precision at both short and long gradients - Short overhead time for to increase throughput for large sample sets The Vanquish Neo UHPLC fulfil these criteria as an all-in-one nano-, capillary-, and micro-flow LC for high-sensitivity LCMS workflows supporting direct and trap-and-elute injections for low-flow applications from 0.001-100 uL/min at max. 1500 bar. The next generation SmartInject technology minimizes column pressure shock resulting in improved retention time precision, longer column lifetime and stable electrospray ionization response. The instrument has fast sample loading and column equilibration modes with the pump operating at constant elevated pressure. This reduces overhead time and boosts throughput. Thereby, analysis time of large projects can be cut from months to weeks with short gradients and short overhead time. The Vanquish Neo systems are the only LC system on the market which such versatile capabilities and long-term robustness. The acquisition to upgrade the capacity for spatial proteomics will be a refurbished Orbitrap Explo-ris 480 with FAIMS Pro Duo interface working as a duplicate to the facility’s current Orbitrap Explo-ris 480. Two Vanquish Neos will be acquired for running together with the two Orbitrap Exploris 480s for increased sample throughput. The acquisition will also include trade-in of two mass spec-trometers (Q-Exactive and Orbitrap Fusion Tribrid) from the DTU Proteomics Core to the vendor. The value of the trade-in is included in the contract value. It is crucial for the DTU Proteomics core to get an improvement in their current capacity for low-input samples, while at the same time having a flexible and efficient setup with some redundancy. These requirements can only be met by acquiring another Orbitrap Exploris 480 to supplement the current Orbitrap Exploris 480 for a dual setup. The contract is awarded to Thermo Electron A/S (a part of Thermo Fisher Scientific) as they are the only providers of the Orbitrap Exploris 480 and Vanquish Neo systems. A market survey was conducted to explore all possible options for acquiring a mass spectrometer and LC systems that fit the criteria. The Orbitrap Mass Analyzer is needed for running samples with TMT multiplexing as high resolution at low m/z is needed for 18-plex and 35-plex panels. The resolution of 120,000 and 240,000 needed for single-cell proteomics is also only available with Orbitrap analysers. Mass spectrometers with other mass analysers would therefore not fit our criteria. The only producent of instruments with Orbitrap analysers is Thermo Fisher Scientific. The Vanquish Neo systems is the only LC system on the market with the versatile capabilities and longterm robustness to meet the criteria. The only producer of Vanquish Neo is Thermo Fisher Scientific. As there is lack of competition due to technical reasons, cf. § 80, subsection 3, no. 2 in the Danish Public Procurement Law, the contract is awarded to Thermo Electron A/S.
Resultat delkontrakt-ID LOT-0000
Status for udvælgelse af vinder Der er udvalgt mindst én vinder.
Oplysninger om vinderne
Officielt navn Thermo Electron A/S
Tilbud – Identifikator 373768
ID for delkontrakt eller gruppe af delkontrakter LOT-0000
Underentreprise Nej
Identifikator for kontrakten Mass Spectrometer (Exploris 480)
Titel Contract regarding purchase of a Orbitrap Exploris 480 and Vanquish Neo
Datoen for udvælgelsen af det vindende tilbud 06/09/2024
Dato for indgåelse af kontrakten 26/09/2024
Organisation, der underskriver kontrakten Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU
Statistiske oplysninger
Modtagne tilbud og ansøgninger om deltagelse :
Type modtagne indgivelser : Tilbud
Antal modtagne tilbud og ansøgninger om deltagelse 1
8. Organisationer
Officielt navn : Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU
Registreringsnummer : 30060946
Postadresse : Anker Engelunds Vej 1    
By : Kgs. Lyngby
Postnummer : 2800
Landsdel (NUTS) : Københavns omegn   ( DK012 )
Land : Danmark
Enhed : Marianne Dauding
E-mail : mardau@dtu.dk
Telefon : +45 33344398
Internetadresse : https://www.dtu.dk/
Denne organisations roller
Organisation, der leverer supplerende oplysninger om udbudsproceduren
Organisation, der sikrer adgang til udbudsdokumenterne offline
Organisation, der underskriver kontrakten
Organisation, hvis budget anvendes til at betale for kontrakten
Organisation, der udfører betalingen
Officielt navn : Klagenævnet for Udbud
Registreringsnummer : 37795526
Postadresse : Nævnenes hus, Toldboden 2    
By : Viborg
Postnummer : 8800
Landsdel (NUTS) : Østjylland   ( DK042 )
Land : Danmark
E-mail : klfu@erst.dk
Telefon : +45 35291000
Internetadresse : http://www.kfst.dk/
Denne organisations roller
Organisation med ansvar for klager
Officielt navn : Konkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsen
Registreringsnummer : 10294819
Postadresse : Carl Jacobsens Vej 35    
By : Valby
Postnummer : 2500
Landsdel (NUTS) : Københavns omegn   ( DK012 )
Land : Danmark
E-mail : kfst@kfst.dk
Telefon : +45 41715000
Internetadresse : http://www.kfst.dk
Denne organisations roller
Organisation, der leverer oplysninger om den generelle lovgivningsramme angånde skatter på det sted, hvor kontrakten skal udføres
Officielt navn : Thermo Electron A/S
Registreringsnummer : 28314388
By : Allerød
Postnummer : 3450
Landsdel (NUTS) : Københavns omegn   ( DK012 )
Land : Danmark
Telefon : +4570236260
Denne organisations roller
Vinder af disse delkontrakter LOT-0000
Officielt navn : Mercell Holding ASA
Registreringsnummer : 980921565
Postadresse : Askekroken 11    
By : Oslo
Postnummer : 0277
Landsdel (NUTS) : Oslo   ( NO081 )
Land : Norge
Enhed : eSender
Telefon : +47 21018800
Fax : +47 21018801
Internetadresse : http://mercell.com/
Denne organisations roller
TED eSender
11. Oplysninger om bekendtgørelsen
Oplysninger om bekendtgørelsen
Bekendtgørelsens ID : 35923c97-72f0-45a9-92a7-f634106867fd   - 01
Formulartype : Resultater
Bekendtgørelsestype : Bekendtgørelse om indgåede kontrakter eller koncessionstildeling – standardordningen
Bekendtgørelsesundertype 29
Afsendelsesdato for bekendtgørelsen : 30/09/2024   12:55:24 (UTC)
Dato for afsendelse af bekendtgørelsen (eSender) : 30/09/2024   13:00:48 (UTC)
Bekendtgørelsens officielle sprog : dansk
Oplysninger om offentliggørelsen
Bekendtgørelsesnummer : 592621-2024
EUT-S-nummer : 192/2024
Offentliggørelsesdato : 02/10/2024

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