
Fakta om udbudet



Danmarks Nationalbank

Tender for ESMIG Connectivity Services

Danmarks Nationalbank

552856-2024 - Resultater
Danmark – Wan-tjenester – Tender for ESMIG Connectivity Services
OJ S 180/2024 16/09/2024
Bekendtgørelse om indgåede kontrakter eller koncessionstildeling – standardordningen
1. Køber
Officielt navn Danmarks Nationalbank
Køberens retlige status : Offentligretligt organ
Den ordregivende myndigheds aktivitet : Økonomiske anliggender
2. Procedure
Titel Tender for ESMIG Connectivity Services
Beskrivelse Danmarks Nationalbank’s payment system Kronos2 plays a central role in the infrastructure for handling payments in Denmark. From 2025, the settlement of Danish kroner will relocate to the new European consolidated payment and securities settlement platform, Target Services, which is operated by the European Central Bank, ECB. The migration to Target Services will bring several benefits for both Danmarks Nationalbank and payment system participants. The project for the migration of the Danish payments infrastructure to the Target Services platform is called TargetDKK. The Eurosystem Single Market Infrastructure Gateway (ESMIG) is the technical component delivered as part of the Target Services platform. Via the ESMIG, Danmarks Nationalbank can access the market infrastructures that the Eurosystem provides.
Identifikator for proceduren e113bf04-8387-4b2a-9a6f-4d0eafee9cdf
Tidligere bekendtgørelse : 532845-2023
Intern ID 213708
Udbudsprocedure Udbud med forhandling/indkaldelse af tilbud med forudgående offentliggørelse
Kontraktens hovedformål Tjenesteydelser
Primær klassifikation   ( cpv ): 72720000   Wan-tjenester
Supplerende klassifikation   ( cpv ): 72700000   Datamatnetværkstjenester
Postadresse Langelinie Allé 47    
By København Ø
Postnummer 2100
Landsdel (NUTS) Byen København   ( DK011 )
Land Danmark
Generelle oplysninger
Indkaldelse af tilbud er afsluttet
Direktiv 2014/24/EU
Danish Public Procurement Act (Act No. 1564 of 15 December 2015 as amended), which implements the Public Procurement Directive (Directive 2014/24/EU)   - The tender procedure is covered by the Danish Public Procurement Act (Act No. 1564 of 15 December 2015 as amended), which implements the Public Procurement Directive (Directive 2014/24/EU)
5. Delkontrakt
Delkontrakt LOT-0001
Titel : Lot 1 ESMIG Connectivity Services
Beskrivelse : This procurement aims a entering into a principal ESMIG Connectivity Services Agreement and a secondary DUAL Connectivity Services Agreement. Lot no 1, ESMIG Connectivity Service Agreement, is Danmarks Nationalbank’s primary connectivity agreement. The agreement aims at ensuring access to Target Services in A2A mode with the exchange of messages and files in XML format using the ISO20022 standard and in U2A mode via a browser using the HTTPs protocol. The agreement also aims at ensuring access to Value Added Services within the scope of the agreement.
Intern ID : 1
Kontraktens hovedformål : Tjenesteydelser
Primær klassifikation   ( cpv ): 72720000   Wan-tjenester
Supplerende klassifikation   ( cpv ): 72700000   Datamatnetværkstjenester
Postadresse : Langelinie Allé 47    
By : København K
Postnummer : 2100
Landsdel (NUTS) : Byen København   ( DK011 )
Land : Danmark
Anslået varighed
Startdato 01/12/2025
Varigheds slutdato 20/11/2031
Anslået værdi eksklusiv moms 533 816,44   EUR
Generelle oplysninger
Indkøbsprojekt, der ikke finansieres med EU-midler
Udbuddet er omfattet af aftalen om offentlige udbud (GPA) ja
Kriterium :
Type : Pris
Navn : Price
Beskrivelse : Please refer to Appendix A to the tender specifications
Vægtning (procentdel, præcis) : 40

Kriterium :
Type : Kvalitet
Navn : Business requirements
Beskrivelse : Please refer to Appendix A to the tender specifications
Vægtning (procentdel, præcis) : 10

Kriterium :
Type : Kvalitet
Navn : Value Added Services
Beskrivelse : Please refer to Appendix A to the tender specifications
Vægtning (procentdel, præcis) : 15

Kriterium :
Type : Kvalitet
Navn : Technical solution
Beskrivelse : Please refer to Appendix A to the tender specifications
Vægtning (procentdel, præcis) : 20

Kriterium :
Type : Kvalitet
Navn : Other requirements
Beskrivelse : Please refer to Appendix A to the tender specifications
Vægtning (procentdel, præcis) : 15
Oplysninger om klagefrister : Pursuant to the Danish Act on the Complaints Board for Public Procurement, etc. (lov om Klagenævnet for Udbud m.v.) (the Act is available (in Danish) at www.retsinformation.dk), the following deadlines apply to the lodging of complaints: Complaints of not having been selected must be submitted to the Danish Complaints Board for Public Procurement before the expiry of 20 calendar days, see section 7(1) of the Act, from the day after submission of notification to the candidates concerned of the identity of the successful tenderer where the notification is accompanied by an explanation of the grounds for the decision in accordance with section 2(1), para (1) of the Act and section 171(2) of the Danish Public Procurement Act. In other situations, complaints of award procedures, see section 7(2) of the Act, must be lodged with the Danish Complaints Board for Public Procurement before the expiry of: 1) 45 calendar days after the contracting entity has published a notice in the Official Journal of the European Union that the contracting entity has entered into a contract. The deadline is calculated from the day after the day when the notice was published. 2) 30 calendar days calculated from the day after the day when the contracting entity has notified the candidates concerned that a contract based on a framework agreement with reopening of competition or a dynamic purchasing system has been entered into if the notification has included an explanation of the relevant grounds for the decision. 3) 6 months after the contracting entity entered into a framework agreement calculated from the day after the day when the contracting entity notified the candidates and tenderers concerned, see section 2(2) of the Act and section 171(4) of the Danish Public Procurement Act. 4) 20 calendar days calculated from the day after the contracting entity has submitted notification of its decision, see section 185(2) of the Danish Public Procurement Act. Not later than at the time of lodging a complaint with the Danish Complaints Board for Public Procurement, the complainant must notify the contracting entity in writing that a complaint has been lodged with the Danish Complaints Board for Public Procurement and whether the complaintwas lodged during the standstill period, see section 6(4) of the Act. In cases where the complaint was not lodged within the standstill period, the complainant must furthermore indicate whether a suspensory effect of the complaint has been requested, see section 12(1) of the Act. The e-mail address of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement is klfu@naevneneshus.dk. The Complaints Board’s own complaints procedure is available at https://naevneneshus.dk/start-din-klage/klagenaevnet-for-udbud/vejledning
Rammeaftale : Ingen rammeaftale
Oplysninger om det dynamiske indkøbssystem : Intet dynamisk indkøbssystem
Elektronisk auktion nej
Yderligere oplysninger, mægling og gennemgang
Organisation med ansvar for klager Klagenævnet for Udbud
Organisation, der leverer oplysninger om den generelle lovgivningsramme angånde skatter på det sted, hvor kontrakten skal udføres Konkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsen
Organisation, der leverer supplerende oplysninger om udbudsproceduren Danmarks Nationalbank
TED eSender Mercell Holding ASA
Delkontrakt LOT-0002
Titel : Lot 2 ESMIG DUAL Connection Services
Beskrivelse : This procurement aims a securing a principal ESMIG Connectivity Services Agreement and a secondary DUAL Connectivity Services Agreement. Lot no 2, Dual Connection Service Agreement, is Danmarks Nationalbank’s secondary connectivity agreement. This agreement aims at ensuring access to Target Servcies in U2A mode (low volume) via a browser using the HTTPs protocol. This agreement will function as a contingency connection.
Intern ID : 2
Kontraktens hovedformål : Tjenesteydelser
Primær klassifikation   ( cpv ): 72720000   Wan-tjenester
Supplerende klassifikation   ( cpv ): 72700000   Datamatnetværkstjenester
Postadresse : Langelinie Allé 47    
By : København K
Postnummer : 2100
Landsdel (NUTS) : Byen København   ( DK011 )
Land : Danmark
Anslået varighed
Startdato 01/03/2025
Varigheds slutdato 20/11/2031
Anslået værdi eksklusiv moms 44 400,00   EUR
Generelle oplysninger
Indkøbsprojekt, der ikke finansieres med EU-midler
Udbuddet er omfattet af aftalen om offentlige udbud (GPA) ja
Kriterium :
Type : Pris
Navn : Price
Beskrivelse : Please refer to Appendix A to the tender specifications
Vægtning (procentdel, præcis) : 40

Kriterium :
Type : Kvalitet
Navn : Business requirements
Beskrivelse : Please refer to Appendix A to the tender specifications
Vægtning (procentdel, præcis) : 20

Kriterium :
Type : Kvalitet
Navn : Technical solution
Beskrivelse : Please refer to Appendix A to the tender specifications
Vægtning (procentdel, præcis) : 25

Kriterium :
Type : Kvalitet
Navn : Other requirements
Beskrivelse : Please refer to Appendix A to the tender specification
Vægtning (procentdel, præcis) : 15
Oplysninger om klagefrister : Pursuant to the Danish Act on the Complaints Board for Public Procurement, etc. (lov om Kla genævnet for Udbud m.v.) (the Act is available (in Danish) at www.retsinformation.dk), the following deadlines apply to the lodging of complaints: Complaints of not having been selected must be submitted to the Danish Complaints Board for Public Procurement before the expiry of 20 calendar days, see section 7(1) of the Act, from the day after submission of notification to the candidates concerned of the identity of the successful tenderer where the notification is accompanied by an explanation of the grounds for the decision in accordance with section 2(1), para (1) of the Act and section 171(2) of the Danish Public Procurement Act. In other situations, complaints of award procedures, see section 7(2) of the Act, must be lodged with the Danish Complaints Board for Public Procurement before the expiry of: 1) 45 calendar days after the contracting entity has published a notice in the Official Journal of the European Union that the contracting entity has entered into a contract. The deadline is calcu lated from the day after the day when the notice was published. 2) 30 calendar days calculated from the day after the day when the contracting entity has notified the candidates concerned that a contract based on a framework agreement with reopening of competition or a dynamic purchasing system has been entered into if the notification has included an explanation of the relevant grounds for the decision. 3) 6 months after the contracting entity entered into a framework agreement calculated from the day after the day when the contracting entity notified the candidates and tenderers concerned, see section 2(2) of the Act and section 171(4) of the Danish Public Procurement Act. 4) 20 calendar days calculated from the day after the contracting entity has submitted notification of its decision, see section 185(2) of the Danish Public Procurement Act. Not later than at the time of lodging a complaint with the Danish Complaints Board for Public Procurement, the complainant must notify the contracting entity in writing that a complaint has been lodged with the Danish Complaints Board for Public Procurement and whether the complaint was lodged during the standstill period, see section 6(4) of the Act. In cases where the complaint was not lodged within the standstill period, the complainant must furthermore indicate whether a suspensory effect of the complaint has been requested, see section 12(1) of the Act. The e-mail address of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement is klfu@naevneneshus.dk. The Complaints Board’s own complaints procedure is available at https://naevneneshus.dk/startdin-klage/klagenaevnet-for-udbud/vejledning
Rammeaftale : Ingen rammeaftale
Oplysninger om det dynamiske indkøbssystem : Intet dynamisk indkøbssystem
Elektronisk auktion nej
Yderligere oplysninger, mægling og gennemgang
Organisation med ansvar for klager Klagenævnet for Udbud
Organisation, der leverer oplysninger om den generelle lovgivningsramme angånde skatter på det sted, hvor kontrakten skal udføres Konkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsen
Organisation, der leverer supplerende oplysninger om udbudsproceduren Danmarks Nationalbank
Organisation, der sikrer adgang til udbudsdokumenterne offline Danmarks Nationalbank
TED eSender Mercell Holding ASA
6. Resultater
Værdien af alle kontrakter tildelt i denne bekendtgørelse 533 860,84   EUR
Resultat delkontrakt-ID LOT-0001
Status for udvælgelse af vinder Der er udvalgt mindst én vinder.
Oplysninger om vinderne
Officielt navn S.W.I.F.T SC
Tilbud – Identifikator Lot 1 ESMIG Connectivity Services
ID for delkontrakt eller gruppe af delkontrakter LOT-0001
Underentreprise Ja
Underentrepriseværdien er kendt nej
Underentrepriseprocentdelen er kendt : nej
Identifikator for kontrakten ESMIG Connectivity Services Agreement
Datoen for udvælgelsen af det vindende tilbud 01/05/2024
Dato for indgåelse af kontrakten 15/08/2024
Kontrakten tildeles som led i en rammeaftale nej
Statistiske oplysninger
Modtagne tilbud og ansøgninger om deltagelse :
Type modtagne indgivelser : Tilbud
Antal modtagne tilbud og ansøgninger om deltagelse 2
Resultat delkontrakt-ID LOT-0002
Status for udvælgelse af vinder Der er udvalgt mindst én vinder.
Oplysninger om vinderne
Officielt navn NEXI Payments SpA
Tilbud – Identifikator Lot 2 DUAL Connection Services
ID for delkontrakt eller gruppe af delkontrakter LOT-0002
Værdien af tilbuddet 44 400,00   EUR
Underentreprise Ja
Underentrepriseværdien er kendt nej
Underentrepriseprocentdelen er kendt : nej
Identifikator for kontrakten DUAL Connection Services Agreement
Datoen for udvælgelsen af det vindende tilbud 01/05/2024
Dato for indgåelse af kontrakten 20/06/2024
Kontrakten tildeles som led i en rammeaftale nej
Statistiske oplysninger
Modtagne tilbud og ansøgninger om deltagelse :
Type modtagne indgivelser : Tilbud
Antal modtagne tilbud og ansøgninger om deltagelse 2
8. Organisationer
Officielt navn : Danmarks Nationalbank
Registreringsnummer : 61092919
Postadresse : Langelinie Allé 47    
By : København Ø
Postnummer : 2100
Landsdel (NUTS) : Byen København   ( DK011 )
Land : Danmark
Enhed : DN - Astrid Jepsen
Telefon : +45 33636035
Denne organisations roller
Organisation, der leverer supplerende oplysninger om udbudsproceduren
Organisation, der sikrer adgang til udbudsdokumenterne offline
Officielt navn : Klagenævnet for Udbud
Registreringsnummer : 37795526
Postadresse : Nævnenes Hus, Toldboden 2    
By : Viborg
Postnummer : 8800
Landsdel (NUTS) : Østjylland   ( DK042 )
Land : Danmark
Telefon : +45 72405600
Denne organisations roller
Organisation med ansvar for klager
Officielt navn : Konkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsen
Registreringsnummer : 10294819
Postadresse : Carl Jacobsens Vej 35    
By : Valby
Postnummer : 2500
Landsdel (NUTS) : Københavns omegn   ( DK012 )
Land : Danmark
E-mail : kfst@kfst.dk
Telefon : +45 41715000
Denne organisations roller
Organisation, der leverer oplysninger om den generelle lovgivningsramme angånde skatter på det sted, hvor kontrakten skal udføres
Officielt navn : S.W.I.F.T SC
Registreringsnummer : BE 0413.330.856
By : La Hulpe
Postnummer : 1310
Landsdel (NUTS) : Arr. de Bruxelles-Capitale/Arr. Brussel-Hoofdstad   ( BE100 )
Land : Belgien
Telefon : +32 2 655 31 11
Denne organisations roller
Vinder af disse delkontrakter LOT-0001
Officielt navn : NEXI Payments SpA
Registreringsnummer : IT04107060966
By : Milano
Postnummer : 20149
Landsdel (NUTS) : Milano   ( ITC4C )
Land : Italien
Telefon : +393713046877
Denne organisations roller
Vinder af disse delkontrakter LOT-0002
Officielt navn : Mercell Holding ASA
Registreringsnummer : 980921565
Postadresse : Askekroken 11    
By : Oslo
Postnummer : 0277
Landsdel (NUTS) : Oslo   ( NO081 )
Land : Norge
Enhed : eSender
Telefon : +47 21018800
Fax : +47 21018801
Internetadresse : http://mercell.com/
Denne organisations roller
TED eSender
11. Oplysninger om bekendtgørelsen
Oplysninger om bekendtgørelsen
Bekendtgørelsens ID : d096fa29-14f0-4bbd-a5c6-701dbfa88c1c   - 01
Formulartype : Resultater
Bekendtgørelsestype : Bekendtgørelse om indgåede kontrakter eller koncessionstildeling – standardordningen
Bekendtgørelsesundertype 29
Afsendelsesdato for bekendtgørelsen : 13/09/2024   10:00:41 (UTC)
Dato for afsendelse af bekendtgørelsen (eSender) : 13/09/2024   10:00:41 (UTC)
Bekendtgørelsens officielle sprog : dansk
Oplysninger om offentliggørelsen
Bekendtgørelsesnummer : 552856-2024
EUT-S-nummer : 180/2024
Offentliggørelsesdato : 16/09/2024

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