Fakta om udbudet
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU
8412 - Purchase of wavemeter and its calibration laser
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU
Opgavebeskrivelse | Purchase of a wavemeter and a calibration laser for research at the forefront of optically active quantum dots and optical quantum control. The wavemeter's function is to precisely measure wavelengths of various tunable lasers already existing in our lab. In our lab we already have tunable diode laser (Toptica DL Pro) operating in the range 760-810nm, and a tunable Titanium: Sapphire laser (Coherent Mira 900) operating in the range 700-1000nm. In the future we might acquire a tunable diode laser in the wavelength range 820-880nm. The wavemeter we intend to purchase should satisfy the following requirements: 1. It must cover the wavelength range of both existing lasers (700-1000nm), preferably larger ranges for potential future-proof compatibility. 2. It must provide an absolute accuracy of 10MHz or better. 3. It must support both continuous-wave and pulsed laser inputs. 4. It must have USB or web-based interface for compatibility and automated tuning of existing lasers in our lab. In order that the wavemeter is accurate over an extended period, we need a calibration laser to provide a stable reference wavelength stabilized by f.ex. an atomic transition. Our requirement for the calibration laser are the following: 1. It must have a narrow linewidth smaller than the absolute accuracy of the wavemeter (10MHz). 2. It must have a calibration guarantee that covers the entire wavelength range of 700-1000nm. |
Annonceret | 5. januar 2024 16:30:00 CET |
Deadline | 15. januar 2024 12:00:00 CET |
Udbudstype | Mindre danske udbud |
Opgavetype | Varekøb |
Udbudsform | Andet |
CPV kode | 38433300, 38636100 |
Myndighedstype | Andet |
Skønnet kontraktsum | 750 000,00 |
Dokumenter & materiale
Link til udbudsmateriale | http://eu.eu-supply.com/ctm/Supplier/PublicPurchase/390785 |
Tildelings- og udvælgelseskriterier
Tildelingskriterier | Laveste pris |
Udvælgelseskriterier |
Navn | Andrea Albert |
Telefon | +45 93511466 |
aalb@dtu.dk |
Navn | Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU |
Adresse | Anker Engelunds Vej 1 2800 Kgs. Lyngby DK |
Telefon | +45 45252525 |
dtu@dk.dk | |
WWW | http://www.dtu.dk |