
Fakta om udbudet




2023-19293 - Konkurrenceudsættelse af ingeniøranalyse til afdækning af tiltag der kan optimere forvaltningen af assets.


OpgavebeskrivelseBanedanmark, subsequently abbreviated BDK, is in the process of developing the Asset Management concept after the ISO 55000 standard. Through increased monitoring of the condition and data analysis BDK aims to identify potential to reduce maintenance costs, increase the lifetime of assets and improve the data quality. The infrastructure is getting older and the need for renewal and maintenance is increasing more than funding creating a need to extent lifespan further through a high-quality asset management approach. At the same time, we wish to increase the robustness of the infrastructure through an increased use of a differentiated approach and a focus on preventive maintenance and monitoring.

The objectives for the analysis:
• Extension of the lifespan of the physical and digital infrastructure while reducing maintenance costs without compromising on security.
• Reduction of errors and incidents that affect our customers, and
• Reduction of the rectification time when errors and incidents have occurred.
• Use of new technology and digitalization for predictive maintenance (IOT, Machine learning, etc.)

BDK require an analysis that identifies the very best of such measures by other infrastructure managers or in the marked that is compatible with the Danish infrastructure. These must be initiatives that have such maturity that their effect can be demonstrated in practice either through pilot trials or actual implementation. The initiatives should cover various infrastructure elements such as tracks, catenary systems, bridges, etc. and which can help support the above-mentioned objectives.
The analysis must be based on BDK’s current strategy and maturity and indicate initiatives that go beyond what has already been initiated. It might be measures of technological, process optimization, traffic, data, or organizational measures which have helped to reduce expenses based on a consideration of Total Cost of Ownership (TCO). However, the main emphasis is expected to be on technological measures.

It is considered a prerequisite that proposed measures are cost neutral within a shorter period of time.

The analysis must include:

1. Mapping of relevant infrastructure managers, market players etc.
2. A catalog of possible measures that meet the criteria mentioned above. For each initiative, an estimate of the maturity of the idea in relation to implementation and profit realization, necessary investment, and impact, both financially and operationally, must be included.
3. A prioritized list of measures which are assessed to have the greatest benefit by examining in more detail from a TCO point of view.
4. Deep dive in 3-4 of the identified measures listed above under point 3.
5. Proposals for effective organization of the development of such initiatives based on experience from other Infrastructure Managers.
Annonceret23. november 2023 18:00:00 CET
Deadline14. december 2023 14:00:00 CET
UdbudstypeMindre danske udbud
CPV kode72221000, 72000000, 72220000, 79000000, 79300000, 79310000

Dokumenter & materiale

Link til udbudsmaterialehttp://eu.eu-supply.com/ctm/Supplier/PublicPurchase/387726

Tildelings- og udvælgelseskriterier

TildelingskriterierØkonomisk mest fordelagtige bud
UdvælgelseskriterierUnderkriterie I: Faglige kompetencer
Underkriterie II: Løsningsbeskrivelse


NavnShazaib Hasham Qasim
Telefon+45 82340000


AdresseCarsten Niebuhrs Gade 43
1577 København V
Telefon+45 82340000

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