
Fakta om udbudet

Offentligt udbud


ATP Ejendomme A/S

Agreement on delivery of EU regulation data (taxonomy and SFDR)

ATP Ejendomme A/S

OpgavebeskrivelseATP’s need for ESG data continues to grow, in part due to the still-increasing demand for
both voluntary and mandatory reporting on responsible and sustainable investments. Two of
these reporting requirements pertain to the EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation
(SFDR) and EU Taxonomy for sustainable activities (EU Taxonomy). For this reason, ATP
needs data to facilitate these two reporting requirements.
It is highly critical and important that this SFDR and EU Taxonomy data complies with the
current EU legislation and guidelines. Similarly, the data should ideally be adjusted and
modified according to any revisions to exist-ing guidelines and legislation. The offer must
encompass all the essential data points required to support the mandatory reporting
requirements for both SFDR and EU Taxonomy.
To strengthen and simplify ATP’s various internal processes, it is of the utmost importance
that this data is delivered in a way that allows for easy integration with ATP’s existing internal
systems, as well as the possibility of diving deep into the results. In other words, the data
should be granular and delivered though an FTP server or similar method.
Yderligere beskrivelse
Procedure: For at deltage i opgaven indsættes dette link i din internet browser:
https://permalink.mercell.com/214683767.aspx Her tilmelder du dig opgaven ved at trykke
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Danmark A/S skal du udfylde en registrering af dit firma. Denne registrering er nødvendig for
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adgang til alle filer og informationer om opgaven. Du vil modtage login koder til
www.mercell.dk indenfor normal arbejdstid og kan derefter afsende dit tilbud/ansøgning.
Annonceret23. oktober 2023 15:49:14 CEST
Deadline3. november 2023 12:00:00 CET
UdbudstypeMindre danske udbud
UdbudsformOffentligt/åbent udbud
CPV kode72268000, 72000000

Dokumenter & materiale

Link til udbudsmaterialehttps://permalink.mercell.com/214683767.aspx

Tildelings- og udvælgelseskriterier

TildelingskriterierØkonomisk mest fordelagtige bud


NavnJørgen Bender-Pedersen
Telefon+45 70111213


NavnATP Ejendomme A/S
AdresseKongens Vænge 8
3400 Hillerød
Telefon+45 70111213

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