
Fakta om udbudet

Offentligt udbud


Trafikstyrelsen/The Danish Civil Aviation and Railway Authority

Tender for contract regarding examination system for the aviation area

Trafikstyrelsen/The Danish Civil Aviation and Railway Authority

OpgavebeskrivelseThe Danish Civil Aviation and Railway Authority (hereinafter “the Customer”) wants to procure and implement a browser-based standard IT system for conducting theoretical exams and sub-exams in the field of aviation, e.g. PPL or ATPL exams. Exam modules for commercial pilots shall be constructed using questions from the EASA Central Question Bank (ECQB). For private pilot exams, the Customer shall be able to construct and maintain a CQB. The ability of the system to handle professional areas outside aviation is welcomed but not a requirement.

The system shall support aviation schools in conducting exams and that these may be carried out online via the examinees' own IT equipment (laptops, tablets). Exam supervision shall require minimal human resources and security facilities shall minimize the risk of examinees using exam equipment in a non-regulated manner and prevent leakage of exam questions from the CQBs.

The system shall also have facilities for administering exam schedules and sub-exam registrations in an exam category. Additionally, the system shall have a well-developed API, allowing the Customer to use the required data for administrative purposes, such as issuing pilot licenses.

The Supplier shall deliver the following Services under the Contract:
- Implementation of the system, including delivery of documentation and education of Customers internal users and assistance in commissioning the system into operation at Statens IT
- Support of the system
- Maintenance of the system
Annonceret27. marts 2023 22:03:31 CEST
Deadline24. april 2023 12:00:00 CEST
UdbudstypeMindre danske udbud
UdbudsformOffentligt/åbent udbud
CPV kode48132000, 48100000, 72000000
Skønnet kontraktsum700 000,00

Dokumenter & materiale

Link til udbudsmaterialehttps://www.ethics.dk/ethics/eo#/d8e16820-3515-49e5-9fc5-c814c3cecca4/homepage

Tildelings- og udvælgelseskriterier

TildelingskriterierØkonomisk mest fordelagtige bud
UdvælgelseskriterierAs a minimum requirement, a total annual turnover of at least DKK 1 million is required in the most recent annual report/financial statement available.

If the tenderer relies on the capacities of other entities, the turnover is to be calculated as the total turnover of the tenderer and such other entities in the most recent annual report/financial statement available. For groups of operators (e.g. a consortium), the turnover is calculated as the total turnover of the operators in the most recent annual report/ financial statement available.

The tenderer shall state its total annual turnover in Appendix F: Solemn Declaration


NavnChristina Elise Olesen
Telefon+45 41780246


NavnTrafikstyrelsen/The Danish Civil Aviation and Railway Authority
AdresseCarsten Niebuhrs Gade 43
1577 København V
Telefon+45 41780246


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[27-03-2023 22:03:31]

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