
Fakta om udbudet

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Software Risk Assessment of Datafordeler


Opgavebeskrivelse The Agency for Data Supply and Efficiency wants to conduct a Software Risk Assessment of the Datafordeler (Data Distributor).

The tender will be conducted electronically via The Agency for Data Supply and Efficiency's portal for electronic submission of tender: http://sdfe.dk/nyheder/udbud-tenders/. Only tenders submitted via The Agency for Data Supply and Efficiency's portal will be considered.

The establishment of the common public Datafordeler is a part of the Danish Government’s Strategy for Digitization regarding common basic data for all public authorities.
The Basic Data Programme is focused on removing the obstacles to efficient use of Basic Data. To reach this goal, the following processes have been defined by the Basic Data Programme:
Costs of basic data
Accessibility of basic data
Quality of basic data
Context of basic data
Management of basic data
The Data Distributor replaces existing platforms for distribution, eg. for maps and geography, businesses and companies, individuals, addresses and real property. The Data Distributor delivers high availability, common agreements and interfaces, and a single-point-of-contact for users of basic data

The Datafordeler solution is a custom-built application to distribute basic data (one-way)
between the organisations that own the basic data and the organisations that use it. In 2014,
after a public tender process, vendor KMD was selected to build, operate, support and maintain
the Datafordeler solution for an initial four-year period. Datafordeler is based on a modern
Microsoft technology stack (C#).

The project that develops the Datafordeler is an important part of Grunddataprogrammet, and
other projects, both within and outside of the program depend on its success and timely

Originally scheduled to go in production on July 27th 2015, a "reference implementation" of the Datafordeler solution did go in production on September 7th 2015 following a delay in development. Prior to this, The Agency for Data Supply and Efficiency conducted a review on the various aspects of the technical quality of the solution as well as the feasibility of the planning.

The Software Risk Assessment was based on the ISO/IEC 25010 standard for evaluation of software quality, which defines a vocabulary to reason about the various aspects of software product quality. ISO 25010 define eight characteristics that determine a software product's quality. The characteristics are:
Performance Efficiency
Functional Suitability

The Agency for Data Supply and Efficiency now wants to conduct an additional review of the Datafordeler. The analysis should address, but not necessarily be limited to, the following issues:

What are the short-term project risks for completion of the Datafordeler project, based on the technical quality of the solution, the development of practices employed and the planning/estimates to complete?

What are long-term/solution risks to success based on the technical quality (maintainability and performance efficiency) and architecture of the solution?

What can be done to address the risks identified?

Answering this, the review must examine;
- the technical quality of the Datafordeler solution
- whether the implementation in source code is in line with the solution's design

The review must be concluded by March 31st 2016.
Annonceret 12. februar 2016 16:20:00 CET
Deadline 22. februar 2016 12:00:00 CET
Udbudstype Mindre danske udbud
Opgavetype Tjenesteydelser
Udbudsform Offentligt/åbent udbud
CPV kode 72000000
NUTS kode DK
Myndighedstype Stat

Dokumenter & materiale

Link til udbudsmateriale http://sdfe.dk/nyheder/udbud-tenders/

Tildelings- og udvælgelseskriterier

Tildelingskriterier Økonomisk mest fordelagtige bud
Udvælgelseskriterier The tender will be conducted electronically via The Agency for Data Supply and Efficiency's portal for electronic submission of tender: http://sdfe.dk/nyheder/udbud-tenders/. Only tenders submitted via The Agency for Data Supply and Efficiency's portal will be considered.


Navn Lasse Lunding
Telefon +45 72545253
E-mail lablu@sdfe.dk


Navn Geodatastyrelsen
Adresse Rentemestervej 8
2400 København NV
Telefon +45 72545000
E-mail gst@gst.dk
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