
Fakta om udbudet

2022/S 164-467468


Aarhus Vand A/S

MARKET DIALOGUE - Imeter, Smart metering system, Innovation challenge project

Aarhus Vand A/S


Bekendtgørelse om ændringer eller supplerende oplysninger


(Supplement til Den Europæiske Unions Tidende, 2022/S 126-359744)

Direktiv 2014/25/EU

Del I: Ordregivende myndighed/enhed

I.1) Navn og adresser
Officielt navn: Aarhus Vand A/S
Postadresse: Gunnar Clausens Vej 34
By: Viby J
NUTS-kode: DK042 Østjylland
Postnummer: 8260
Land: Danmark
Kontaktperson: Helle Pernille Hansen
E-mail: Helle.Pernille.Hansen@aarhusvand.dk
Overordnet internetadresse: www.aarhusvand.dk

Del II: Genstand

II.1) Udbuddets omfang
II.1.1) Betegnelse:

MARKET DIALOGUE - Imeter, Smart metering system, Innovation challenge project

II.1.2) Hoved-CPV-kode
38421100 Vandmålere
II.1.3) Kontrakttype
II.1.4) Kort beskrivelse:

Aarhus Vand (AAV) is preparing a tender for an innovation challenge project (Imeter) with the ambition to innovate, test and implement a sustainable (environmental and economic) smart meter solution of the future on the drinking water system.

Through the tender it is desired to select the consortium which in the innovation challenge project together with AAV shall innovate, explore and challenge the existing technology, the traditional approach to smart metering and the way intelligent tools are used in the value chain in order to create new businesses, and build and deploy a smart metering system in one of AAV's districts of operation.

However, the aim of the innovation challenge project is to develop a solution which in the long run can be implemented in the entire supply area of AAV.

Prior to launching the tender, AAV is conducting a dialogue phase with the aim of obtaining the market's immediate input in relation to the basic conditions of the tender documents.

Del VI: Supplerende oplysninger

VI.5) Dato for afsendelse af denne bekendtgørelse:
VI.6) Oprindelig bekendtgørelsesreference
Bekendtgørelsens nummer i EUT S: 2022/S 126-359744

Del VII: Ændringer

VII.1) Oplysninger, der skal ændres eller tilføjes
VII.1.2) Tekststykke, der skal ændres i den oprindelige bekendtgørelse
Afsnit nummer: VI.3
I stedet for:

Interested prospective tenderers can comment on a preliminary draft of the tender documents, which will be

available for download via iBinder starting 23 August 2022:


Any questions and/or remarks in regard to the tender documents must be uploaded to iBinder in the folder

‘Remarks to the tender documents’ no later than 16 September 2022.

In connection with the market dialogue, Aarhus Vand also wishes to conduct market dialogue meetings with

interested potential tenderers. The market dialogue meetings will be held on 15 and 16 September 2022.

Aarhus Vand intends to invite 3 companies to the market dialogue meetings and there will also be an

opportunity for interested potential tenderers to request a market dialogue meeting.

It is desired to implement five 1½-2-hour market dialogue meetings with interested potential tenderers.

To be considered for a market dialogue meeting with Aarhus Vand, you must send a reasoned request by email

to client consultant Kathrine Linddahl, ktli@cowi.com , no later than 31 August 2022, stating which topics in the

tender material you want to discuss.

In this connection, it is stated that Aarhus Vand will also have requests for which topics are to be discussed.

If the meeting is to be conducted via TEAMS, please indicate this in the application. It is emphasized that the

purpose of the talks is for Aarhus Vand to gather opinions and statements from the market in relation to specific

elements of the tender documents, rather than a conversation about the applicant's business.

If you are selected to participate in a market dialogue meeting with Aarhus Vand on 15 and 16 September 2022,

you will be notified — no later than on 5 Septemper 2022 — of the date and time of the meeting


Dates for the market dialogue meetings and date for publication of the tender material for the market dialogue are changed. As a result, the previous version of section VI.3 is deleted in its entirety and replaced by:

Interested prospective tenderers can comment on a preliminary draft of the tender documents, which will be available for download via iBinder starting 7 September 2022: https://www.ibinder.com/External/EnquiryLink.aspx?id=izrogwploj

Any questions and/or remarks in regard to the tender documents must be uploaded to iBinder in the folder ‘Remarks to the tender documents’ no later than 22 September 2022.

In connection with the market dialogue, Aarhus Vand also wishes to conduct market dialogue meetings with interested potential tenderers. The market dialogue meetings will be held on 21 and 22 September 2022. Aarhus Vand intends to invite 3 companies to the market dialogue meetings and there will also be an opportunity for interested potential tenderers to request a market dialogue meeting.

It is desired to implement five 1½-2-hour market dialogue meetings with interested potential tenderers. To be considered for a market dialogue meeting with Aarhus Vand, you must send a reasoned request by email to client consultant Kathrine Linddahl, ktli@cowi.com , no later than 13 September 2022, stating which topics in the tender material you want to discuss.

In this connection, it is stated that Aarhus Vand will also have requests for which topics are to be discussed. If the meeting is to be conducted via TEAMS, please indicate this in the application. It is emphasized that the purpose of the talks is for Aarhus Vand to gather opinions and statements from the market in relation to specific elements of the tender documents, rather than a conversation about the applicant's business.

If you are selected to participate in a market dialogue meeting with Aarhus Vand on 21 and 22 September 2022, you will be notified — no later than on 15 September 2022 — of the date and time of the meeting

VII.2) Yderligere supplerende oplysninger:

New dates for the market dialogue meetings and date for publication of the tender material for the market dialogue

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