Keep Your Production Running Smoothly and Efficiently
DATRON's MXCube is a high-performance HSC milling machine that allows manufacturers to produce parts faster and easier than ever. Ideal for milling precision high tolerance parts. High accuracy with linear guidance system. Rigid, low-vibration design for excellent surface quality.
Keep Your Production Running Smoothly and Efficiently
The DATRON MXCube is packed with options that keep your industrial production running smoothly and efficiently. With a reinforced steel frame and a mineral cast machine table, the DATRON MXCube is a rigid machine. Outfitted with a high-speed spindle that’s tailor-made for modern HSC strategies, it allows for higher loads with exceptional vibration dampening. It features a large machining area for your large-scale projects and has an extremely compact base, so it takes up very little floor space. The large cabin is ideal for heavy plates or clamping systems and provides easy access to all operational functions and clear visibility of machining. You can access the machining area manually, with a crane, or by integrating with an automation solution. Pairing the DATRONMXCube with DATRON’s next control system makes HSC milling easy, secure, and convenient. Expand your DATRON MXCube’s capabilities even further by adding an external chip conveyor that will automatically transport chips away from the working area.