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Recab a different, but successful year

New acquisitions, a pandemic, component shortages and a growing order entry, Recab looks back at the past year.


Acquisition of Synective Labs
2021 started with Recab expanding their expertise within FPGA- and ASIC-design through the acquisition of Synective Labs. What followed was a growing issue within the industry due to component shortages. Although, while looking at Recab, or at least their figures, it does not seem to have affected them greatly.

Undeniably, both the pandemic and the current situation of component shortages have affected the company in some ways, which have been documented in previous articles. But as the CFO of Recab, Adam Ringh, tells Evertiq, it has been an exceptional in many ways.

Exceptional with an increased order entry
- Financially, we can see that this year has been exceptional with an increased order entry compared to the same period the previous year (eight months, April-nov), 123 million Swedish crowns compared to 92 million crowns the previous year, Adam Ringh says.

Worth mentioning as well is the fact that these figures are exclusive of the acquisition of Synactice Labs.
Adam continues and mentions that the technical sales team have been very hard working and that they are seeing further increases during the last quarter.

- We can see that we despite of harsh challenges due to the Covid-19 and the component shortage, have one of our strongest years ever, Adam Ring says.

Close relationship and continuous dialog with both customers and suppliers
CEO Carolin Basilier sums up 2021 as a year of new possibilities, at the same time as she is humble to the challenges that has been and still exists.

- 2021 has been a year filled with new possibilities and an amazing order entry. The shortage of semiconductors has deeply affected our industry, but through cooperation between our amazing customers and suppliers we are continuously working towards finding the best solutions.

How has Recab worked through the issue with component shortage and what experiences do you bring with you into 2022?

- We can see that our close relationship and continuous dialog with both customers and suppliers have been and will continue to be incredibly important to be able to deliver the solutions the market requests. Our focus will of course still be on being in the front field of new technologies, but also on sustainability – in our operation, our offers, and the footprints we leave behind, Carolin Basilier explains. As we enter the new year, we bring experience as well as confidence from the results of 2021.

Carolin finishes by reflecting on another upcoming challenge during the following year, but a welcomed one at that.

- Thanks to our success we can continuously further our operation and teams in the countries we are active in. A large challenge is to recruit the right kind of competence – meaning that we must be an attractive employer on the market and create good work conditions for our employees.

Article written By Dennis Dahlgren at Evertiq

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Recab: Catalog of Products and Solutions 
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Welcome to contact us info@recab.com
Recab Denmark                       
Hassellunden 14
DK – 2765 Smørum
Phone + 45 70 300 310


Recab Danmark
Hassellunden 14
2765 Smørum
Egedal Kommune
CVR nummer: DK33971591


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