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Free Download: Recab - Network redundancy concepts

Meet Recab´s expert Daniel Lundén - FAE, Technical support and Belden Hirschmann expert Mats Johannesson within Network Communication. Topic: How can you ensure the availability and reliability in your networks?

We invite you to a free Webinar by Recab: Network redundancy concepts – Standard and Advance
Meet Recab´s expert Daniel Lundén – FAE, Technical support and Mats Johansson – Belden Hirschmann expert within Network Communication

Topic: How can you ensure the availability and reliability in your networks?
Mats Johannesson from Belden joins us to talk about redundancy, the different protocols that you can use, and what the recommendations are for Industrial networks. The webinar will be in two parts, Standard and Advanced, make sure to sign up for both!

Read more and download here

Recab Danmark
Hassellunden 14
2765 Smørum
Egedal Kommune
CVR nummer: DK33971591


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