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Rutronik presents FCI’s DensiShield™ High-Speed I/O Links

FCI has developed the DensiShield™, a high-speed copper I/O solution. It has demonstrated 10Gb/s per channel differential performance using common wire gauges in cable lengths up to 10 meters. The existing DensiShield system supplies 4-channel capability and consequently delivers an aggregate bandwidth of 40 Gb/s. The high-speed I/O solution is available at distributor Rutronik now.

The DensiShield test set up features Broadcom BCM8072 dual-channel
transceivers compliant to the IEEE802.3ap test criterion. The 10Gb/s per
channel differential performance can be achieved at 6 meters or less by
utilizing 30 AWG cable, at 8 meters or less by utilizing 28 AWG cable and
10 meters or less by utilizing 26 AWG cable.

In addition to the 10Gb/s performance, the DensiShield high-density/speed
solution has demonstrated performance meeting both the 10GBase-CX4 Ethernet and Infiniband® industry standards. The DensiShield system is also able to accommodate card slot pitch as low as 15mm and achieve a port-to-port centerline of 12.5mm along a card edge. FCI also offers a DensiShield
header that fits within the uTCA defined packaging profile.

The DensiShield I/O system meets the emerging market requirements for
10Gb/s per channel performance at cable lengths typically required for
within-rack or rack-to-rack cabling applications. Customers have
acknowledged FCI’s expertise in delivering highspeed and high-density
solutions that support the markets ever increasing needs for 10Gb/s per
channel and greater performance along with minimum 40Gb/s aggregate

RUTRONIK Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH
Herstedøstervej 27-29
2620 Albertslund
Albertslund Kommune
CVR nummer: DK29134812

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